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Claim process
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If you are involved an accident, you have to call 119 first and also you
have to contract your auto insurance company so that you can report
your accident.

The following is the important information for you to know when you are claiming an accident
that you have while driving or parking a car on the road.


 1. Check the injury and property damage done
 - A bike accident is regarded seriously in Korea. So you must personally check
   the injury and damage done.
   (1) See if there is any person injured and carefully examine the cars for damage
   (2) If there is any person in need of medical treatment, take the person to the hospital.
         If the injury is serious, call 119 or a hospital for an ambulance.

2. Preserve the site of accident
   (1) If not, it may be held against you later that you are a hit-and-run driver
   (2) Shoot the site with a camera (or mobile phone) or mark the direction that each of the cars was
        moving as well as the position of the wheels of the cars. Find an eye witness and obtain a statement
        or contact information of the witness¡¯s.
      * The information is critical when settling the accident

3. Exchange contact information.
   (1) Even if you are asked for, do not hand over your driver¡¯s license or car registration to the other driver.

   (2) If you do so, you may seem acknowledging you are solely responsible for the accident.    

   (3) Showing your license or registration to prove your identity is okay, but do not hand it over until
       responsibilities are clearly settled. Verify the other driver¡¯s identity and get his/her contact information.

4. Be careful when making promises to compensate
   (1) If you promise to pay for damages before settling things out with the other driver, you may seem
       admitting to your sole guilt and held responsible for everything

5. Contact your insurer   
(1)If you are not sure what to do, call us at 1800-2886 for help

6. Call the police if you have a dispute or an injured person    
(1)Don¡¯t hesitate to call the police because it won¡¯t cause any more trouble or be held against you.

(2)Getting the police involved may be the surest way to handle the post-accident matters.

(3)Make sure to call the police especially when there is a person injured. If not, you may be charged
    for hit-and-run driving

7. Be assertive when you are making a statement
   (1)Be assertive and consistent when you are making a statement about the accident to the police.
       Explain what happened before, during and after the accident clearly

   (2)Once the police finish their report, ask them to translate it for you either by writing or verbally.

8. Take enough time to settle.   
(1)Don¡¯t rush to settle or you may misjudge the situation

9. Seek professional help for criminal settlement

   (1)You may choose to pay to settle if you are guilty of a fatal accident or hit-and-run driving. In this case,
       it is best to hire a loss adjuster or lawyer

10. Most importantly, call your insurer immediately if you have an accident.

Samsung Dongbu
1588-5114 1588-0100

LIG Hyundai
1544-0114 1588-5656

Meritz Hanhwa
1566-7711 1566-8000

Heungkook Lotte
1688-1688 1588-3344

Green David
Auto Insurance 
David Auto Insurance
1588-5959 1800-2886


 If you have any inconvenience with contacting your bike insurance company, please call us first and
  we will help you out.

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T_ 1800-2886   l   F_ 02-6442-0200   l   E_ auto@davidautoinsurance.com
202,Sejong Building, Sang-dong 619-7 Susung-gu, Daegu, Korea
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